Brook/Murrill 30 degrees: Hottest day on record

At other measuring stations in Austria, the measured values ​​were below the 30 degree mark, but Geosphere recorded 204 of Austria's 278 weather stations with a summer day of at least 25 degrees. Carinthia, Lower and Upper Austria and Salzburg recorded 29 degrees on Sunday.

On average over the past few decades, the top 30s were reached on May 19 on average, with typical fluctuations ranging from early May to early June, it said. In an average year, the first day with at least 25 degrees is expected only in the second half of April, with the statistical average being April 18.

APA/Georg Hochmuth

Unusually high temperatures on Sunday forced many people outside, including Burgarten in Vienna.

The highest temperatures in the past few days have been ten to 15 degrees above normal values ​​in early April. As a result of global warming, extremely hot weather is increasing earlier, experts warn. The 30 degree mark is now reached significantly earlier in average years than it was a few decades ago. Austria's highest temperature in April is currently 32.0 degrees, measured on April 28, 2012 in Waidhofen/Ybbs.

No more private events

The first day with 30 degrees was on April 17, 1934 in Salzburg. “This is an isolated event,” ORF meteorologist Krista Kummer said recently. Right now, though, “several months” in a row are pretty hot. Current temperatures are “very unusual, these are summer temperatures” that usually only occur in June or occasionally May.

“Seasons fade more and more”

ORF Meteorologist Christa Kummer analyzes the heat wave rolling into Austria. Seasons aren't as quick as they used to be.

Extreme weather

While individual extreme events cannot be directly traced to a specific cause, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, one thing is clear: the climate crisis is making extreme weather events like floods, storms and heat waves more frequent and more intense. This means rainfall and storms are getting stronger, heat waves are getting hotter and droughts are getting drier.

Climate protection as health protection

“Climate change represents an existential threat to the health of humans, animals and ecosystems as a whole,” says a study recently published in the journal “Frontiers in Science.” For the study, the current state of knowledge on the impact of climate change and environmental pollution on the immune system was compiled.

“From an evolutionary perspective, the immune system constantly adapts in response to the environment; “however, recent changes were too rapid for our immune system to adapt adequately,” it said. Adaptation measures and climate crisis mitigation are critical to health – more on .

A warm start to the week

It will be summery again early in the week on Monday, with 30 degrees possible there as well. The ORF Meteorological Editorial Board said it was difficult to say exactly where. But perhaps “again in the eastern part of Austria”. In the west, as has happened recently, Saharan dust may lower temperatures somewhat.

Summer temperatures will return on Tuesday, with a cold front Wednesday night expected to bring significant chills of around ten degrees everywhere. Also strong northwesterly winds. The second half of the week is said to warm up again.

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